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The QAztec Automation Pyramid of Sacrifices

  • 17 Jan 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • webinar


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CQAA January 2024

The QAztec Automation Pyramid of Sacrifices

About the Topic

The days of just one type of automation for all QA endeavors are gone. Our applications have evolved from bulky monoliths to modern applications tiered in services, spread over the cloud, and even with the capacity to expand. On top of that, our teams are caught up in hyper-fast release cycles that require us to change how we do things. Especially those QA things called automation.

In other words, we must rethink how, how much, and where we do those automation things. In this fun presentation, Leandro will show the audience the principles of the automation pyramid with a set of fun analogies that will help the audience understand the importance of the pyramid. At the same time, they will learn its principles to avoid wasteful behaviors that only bring tiredness, sweat, tears, and even blood. Organizations may have been sacrificing their teams by not following the pyramid.

Overall, the audience will have lots of fun learning from these examples taking away multiple great ideas on how, where, and how much to automate QA on their projects.

Key Learning Objective

  • As the testers leave the presentation, they will leave wondering how many sacrifices happen in their teams and projects.
  • The change in perspective will give them the tools to identify what tests they may be doing with unnecessary sacrifices. 
  • The techniques proposed will give them ideas and guidance on how to pivot their efforts and improve the situation in their teams. 
  • And finally, the analogy to a human sacrifice will give an urgency feeling to start fixing things as soon as possible.

About the Moderator

Leandro Melendez is a performance testing advocate with Grafana k6 helping everyone to ramp up on their performance practices. With over 20 years of experience in IT & QA, he posts his blog Señor Performo ( together with a couple of YouTube channels (@SrPefEng and @SrPerfESP.) As well he hosts the PerfBytes español Podcast, and is a co-host on the main PerfBytes show. And last, author of "The Hitchhikers Guide To Load Testing Projects", a fun walkthrough that will guide you through the phases or levels of an IT load testing project.



Please register by January 16th, 2024 at If you have any questions, please contact

Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, from 12:00pm-1:00pm


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